Please Listen!
Mommy, Daddy, I See Jesus Everyday!
Aborted babies line the streets,
Awaiting their rescuer to meet.
They know they are in a better place,
When they see their rescuer’s face.
Mommy, Daddy don’t you cry,
I’m with Jesus in the sky!
I died a very painful death,
And then I took my final breath!
Angels came and brought me here,
They think I am very dear!
They knew you didn’t want me anymore,
So they brought me to heaven’s door.
I arrived at heaven’s pearly gate,
They opened the doors, I couldn’t wait!
They wiped away all my tears,
And took away all my fears.
Mommy, daddy please don’t fear,
It is very pretty here!
There is no day, there is no night,
Jesus is so very bright!
They washed me and gave me a royal gown,
Now I walk on streets of gold in a golden town.
I miss you mom, I miss you dad,
I’m sorry you thought I was so bad.
I asked Jesus why I had to die,
He said there was no real reason why,
He said you could have put me up for adoption,
But you thought abortion was your only option.
The timing was wrong in your life,
I had to be the real sacrifice.
Mommy, Daddy don’t you see,
Jesus died on a tree.
He died to take your sins away,
So you can come to heaven someday.
Mommy, Daddy you can be,
Up here in heaven along with me.
If you ask Jesus in your heart,
We’ll live forever and never depart.
Mommy, Daddy you I forgive,
For now it is with Jesus that I live,
Now I am here to stay,
I see Jesus everyday!
copyright@2006 by Pam Eppinette
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I’m the Baby They Could Never Have Had!
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Eppinette Enterprises Ephrata, PA 17522
(717) 738-3910
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